Fellowship of Freethought is building a supportive community of freethinkers!
We are an organization of freethinkers. We are a group of people who understand that our humanity is inextricably bound in yours. We are humanists, non-believers, secularists. We are families, friends, scientists, philosophers, educators, peers, housewives, colleagues and your neighbors. Many of us have shed lives in religion that many of our members have never known. We are outspoken, we are quiet. We are a growing number that chooses to live life - in reason.
Now you can choose how your donation is used! Simply choose General Fund, Camp Question Scholarship Program or Humanist Outreach Team in the donation form above.
Choose General Fund to help us pay for events. FoF hosts 12 monthly recurring events plus many more special events. We are committed to creating opportunities for freethinkers to find lasting friendships and a supportive community through in-person social interaction, learning together and serving our larger communities together.
Choose Camp Quest Scholarship Program to help us send more kids to Camp Quest. Each year we award 2-6 scholarships to send kids to Camp Quest, a secular summer camp focused on science, nature and Humanist values. Camp Quest is a life-changing experience for the children and the volunteers who run it. We share Camp Quest’s vision of a world in which children grow up exploring, thinking for themselves, connecting with their communities, and acting to make the most of life for themselves and others.
Choose Humanist Outreach Team (HOT) to help our Humanist Outreach Team (aka HOT) reach more people. We are Humans Helping Humans. Our HOT volunteers help people living without homes, people living with AIDS and people living with litter that threatens our water supply. They turn our mission statement into action! Learn more about our outreach efforts by looking for HOT events on our Facebook or Meetup calendars.